Flow Research 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200
Ducker Research Company, Inc., together with Flow Research, has published a new in-depth study on The Market for Infrared Thermometers and Thermal Imagers Worldwide. The study contains valuable insight and analysis based on the extensive experience of Ducker and Flow Research in the temperature industry. It also includes a major survey of end-users to provide insight into current and future demand. The study is structured as follows: Chapter 1: Executive Summary Chapter 2: Introduction (Scope, Definitions, and Methodology) Chapter 3: Infrared Product and Technology Analysis Chapter 4: Infrared Thermometer and Thermal Imager Market Size and Forecasts through 2004 Chapter 5: Infrared Thermometer and Thermal Imager Supplier Market Shares Chapter 6: Distributor and End-User Survey Analysis Chapter 7: Strategies for Success Chapter 8: Company Profiles Appendix A: Supplier Input Questionnaire Appendix B: End-User Questionnaire Appendix C: Directory of Infrared Suppliers We are offering you the results of ten months of research for $4900. This is far less than you would pay to commission a private study. For those who participated in the research, we are offering a $300 discount. As a member of the temperature industry, you may also be interested in our study The Market for Temperature Sensors and Transmitters in the Americas.
Additional copies of either study are available for $500. The study is also available on CD-ROM in Microsoft Word format for an additional $1,000. If you order both studies together, the price for both is $8,600. To order a copy, please return this order form with your company information and payment to: Nick Limb
Fax: (248) 644-3128 E-mail: nickl@ducker.com Phone: 800-929-0086 or (248) 644-0086 ORDER FORM